Dell XPS13 9310

Dell Inspiron 5459 - Aloyana Shakya

Product Name: Dell laptop Product type: Inspiron 5459 Company: Dell Inc Dell’s Inspiron 5000 has been offering a wonderfully attractive series of a laptop with worthy features. There are some disappointing sides but overall I enjoyed the features of this laptop. I felt it was a very attractive and also portable dell series. Inspiron 5000 is an average laptop but is perfect at the same time. I felt that this laptop is good-looking than any other general laptop. It cost me Rs 72,000 in Nepal which I think is worth it. The overall feature includes a 14-inch LED screen having a core i5 processor. The battery back is also perfect. This is the best choice to purchase which is not overly expensive. If you maintain a limited budget, then this is going to remain your best choice.


The thing I appreciated the most about the gadget endures its beauty, its design. It looks very much more attractive than I have thought. I enjoyed how the laptop is presented as a whole. Most of the laptops are heavy and thick, but this one very light and I carry with me where ever I go. You also have a choice to enable the tablet mode. Currently heading towards the screen, it has the best quality screen definitely; the problem I found here is that the night light is not too eye-protecting. Whenever I enable the night mode, my eyes get resentful because of its color. I found it a little disappointing but other than that I loved the display part.


I equally felt that the keyboard in it is very much comfortable. Before this laptop, I had owned one another laptop of some company, and the keys were extremely hard to press. And the keys on this laptop are very cozy and spongy. I am a blogger, so a flexible keyboard is very important to me. And I am offering tremendous experience in terms of typing. There are some PCs or laptops where I feel awkward typing. But here the keys are very easy to use. I moreover offered an extremely pleasant experience with the touchpad areas. It works very effectively; I found it very decent.


The sound quality is, moreover, something I detected absolutely properly. It has a good and applicable speaker for casual listening. But what happens is periodically the quality goes low while I am listening to something, but this problem is rare so it’s not a massive deal. You get a 2x more pleasing sound with speakers or headphones. I have consistently offered the most enjoyable experience with sound quality.

Battery life

Presently, talking about battery life, I have possessed an unpleasant experience with this. I bought the laptop in 2016 and in late 2017 the cell stopped working. The repair wasn’t available anywhere. So, since then I have been using the laptop with a direct connection and no battery. This is the key problem I encountered.


I felt that the performance is reasonably impressive; though it gets sometimes hung, I think it is due 4 4 years run. It exhibits an excellent display to stream and to examine HD videos. It helps to multitask. I am playing music and doing 10 things behind, it however works correctly. That is what you need most in a laptop computer because, in this hectic life, I guess everyone’s doing multitasking on their laptops. Sometimes it gets spoiled by the speed, but it lasts for like 2-3 minutes, and boom! It works correctly again. People also spend most of their time on PC games these days; I think it is wonderfully excellent.


This device provides a 9 MP webcam with a microphone for calls and video calls. The most pleasing thing about the camera I felt is whenever we are utilizing the camera, it generates the light on. It helps to ensure that we are utilizing a camera. But a week ago when I tried to receive calls through the laptop and it couldn’t work; I don’t recognize why.


This is another pleasant thing about the laptop. These laptops support 7 GB ram and it comes with a hard drive. So you have a lot of space to store your documents or photos. You on top get to watch movies; DVDs or inserts a CD. The process of watching movies or videos is extremely easy. You can also quickly download the movie and watch; it doesn’t take time.


The laptop easily connects the Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. It has 2 USB 2.0 slots and 1 USB 3.0 slots. It has a Cd slot and a headphone opening. Whenever I transfer the files from the phone to the laptop, my work gets done fast. The Bluetooth transfer is also more appropriate than my previous computer. The USB ports also allow fast charging. Hence, I am completed presenting my experience with the dell laptop. Not only laptops but a lot of dell gadgets I think are an extremely excellent product. As I am a particular product conscious person, I keep referring to the reviews and I find it interesting. I am looking forward to getting other dell products. The one thing I found disappointing about the laptop is its battery. But besides that, I enjoy working on a laptop. This dell laptop is perfect to review and also to use. On average, I loved the balance between design and performance. In 70000+, this is an ideal choice as it maintains excellent performance in terms of the reviews. I also think it could still do better on the battery side and the night mode to compete with the competitors. When I was going to buy this laptop, I wasn’t convinced about my choice. I read moderately favorable reviews about this one. But now after using and experiencing, I am satisfied with myself. Not because I have to compliment dell, I will win anything; not at all in that sense but genuinely I love my laptop. This day I got a chance to exchange my views. I delivered an honest review of the product. I want a dell to focus on the battery thing and progress more in the future. Written By Aloyana Shakya

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